Vaults Deposit / Withdraw

LP Vault’s Fee charges 3.4% as a fee only for reward, when it automatically re-deposited. ex) Principal 100 / if reward 10 when re-deposited Fee = 10 * 3.4% = 0.34

  1. Click the Vault you want to deposit. * Since you have to hold the LP, please deposit the LP in KLAYswap first.

> APY Calculation (lower right of Detail) - Farm APR : The interest rate of the farm that can be received from KLAYswap. - Farm APY : The welfare rate of the farm that can be received when deposited in Kai Auto and automatically re-deposited. (This is the actual applied apy figure excluding 3.4% Fee) - aKAI APR : The aKAI interest rate distributed upon deposit. - Total APY : Total Vault interest rate combined with Farm APY + aKAI APY

2. When you run the first time, click the [Approve] button

3. Check the amount of LP you have, enter the amount you want to deposit, and click the [Deposit] button.

4. Click the Transaction [Confirm] button on the connected wallet

5. Check the deposit of assets deposited. - LP Vault can be [Withdraw] at any time, and the re-deposited LP is automatically included in the Deposit value and displayed. (Deposit continues to increase) - Separately, aKAI is compensated per block by the Multiplier value and can be received through the [Claim] button.

KSLP Vault Withdraw

1. Click the Vault you want to Withdraw and then the click the Withdraw tab.

2. Check the deposited balance, enter the balance you want to withdraw, and click the [WITHHDRAW] button.

3. Click the Transaction [Confirm] button in the connected wallet.

4. Check the balance of assets in my wallet received. (Balance increase, Deposit decrease)

*If there is a change in the deposited balance, such as withdraw or additional deposit, the earn aKAI will automatically claim.

Last updated