Vault Details


The multiplier of each vault shown in the list means the distribution rate of aKAI. The total will be 100, and aKAI will be distributed to each vault in proportion to that number.


When you open each Vault on the Kai Auto, you will see several types of APRs for APY Calculation at the bottom right, summarized as Total APYs that include them all.

Farm APR

This APR shows the income of the deposited assets. When Auto Compounding is applied, the deposited assets are automatically re-deposited, converting APR into compounded Farm APY. (All Vaults automatically compounded on the deposited asset. so you should refer to the APY instead of the APR.)

Farm APY

Since this APY is a number that comes from applying benefits based on the APR of each Vault, the Vault with Auto compounding can be expected to be Farm APY.

*The figure is calculated excluding 3.4% Fee charged for interest during Auto compounding, and the actual APY is displayed.

aKai APR

This APR shows the additional income of aKai. This APR is displayed separately in Vault details.

Total APY

This APY is the sum of the Farm APY and the aKai APY, and is the number for all the rewards the user can get from the vault. This is subject to change, so if you want to estimate how much you can earn based on the current situation, you can use the calculator function within the Vault to see your current estimate for APY.

Last updated