How to buy vKAI
Please deposit the KLAY asset into my wallet before purchasing the sKAI token.
You can swap KLAY to vKAI in the Klay swap liquidity supply [KLAY-vKAI] pool. [Shortcuts]
Buy vKAI ( KLAY -> vKAI Swap )
1.When you click the [buy vKAI] button on the Kai protocol site, it leads to the Klayswap vKAI - KLAY liquidity pool.
2. Please connect to the wallet in the top right of the Klay swap.
3. Click the [Swap] menu - Select the KlaySwap token (KLAY) from the From list.
4. Please select swap token vKAI in [To List].
5. Please enter the amount of tokens to swap to vKAI.
6. [5. Click the [Swap] button to proceed with the transaction.
7. Once the request is completed, you can hold the vKAI token.
Last updated