
a general outline Boost allows you to adjust the distribution rate of sKAI linearly distributed for two years on a daily basis to encourage the supply of clay swap liquidity.

  • Boosting result snapshot time: Everyday at 7:59 AM (UTC+9)

  • Boosting result application period: Every day from 8 AM to 8 AM the next day (UTC+9)


vKAI is used for boosting, and when boosting, it is applied as a boosting power in a 1:1 ratio, increasing the overall boosting power of the liquidity pool.

Boosting power can be withdrawn 24 hours after the last boosting time and will be returned to the same quantity of vKAI. At this time, the boosting power of the corresponding liquidity pool decreases by the amount of vKAI returned.

Burning Boost

When boosting, you can optionally apply Burning Boost. The vKAI used for Burning Boost is incinerated and 100x boosting power is temporarily applied until the next boosting round snapshot. (After the snapshot, the temporary boosting power applied by burning boosting disappears.)

※ The boosting result application period, basic distribution ratio, and burning boosting multiplier may be changed according to the use of boosting.

Boost Participation Rewards


Participants who participate in the general boost will receive two different rewards according to their stake.

As before, 50% of the fee generated by Synthetics is distributed at 8 am every day, and 30% of the sKAI distribution determined by Boost Profit is distributed every hour.

The boost lock-up period is the same 24 hours from the time of the boost, and there is no lock-up time for accumulating rewards.

Burning Boost

Rewards are distributed differentially according to the percentage of burning points that are time-weighted.

  • Share of = My Burning Points / Total Burning Points

Burning points are cumulative points that reflect the amount of vKAI burned with Burning Boost and time weight. Time-weighted reflection provides a fair opportunity to late-stage decision-making participants and induces continued participation of existing decision-making participants.

  • My Burning Point = (Previous Burning Point + (This Burned vKAI Quantity * ( 1 + (This Block Number — Starting Block Number) * 0.0000000113 )))

70% of the sKAI distribution determined by Boost Profit is distributed every hour, and there is no separate lock-up time for reward collection.

distribution ratio calculation

The boosting distribution ratio is divided by 50% according to the ratio of the boosting power applied to each liquidity pool, and the decimal step that occurs at this time is reduced and added by 1% to the liquidity pool with high boosting power.‌

Last updated